AoS 706 - Adapt or Die.
Well, this was one of those episodes that ended with me staring at some newscasters going... Huh? There were only a dozen gotchas in the episode. However, one overwhelming conclusion can be drawn. The Chronicoms must die a horribly agonizing, painfully slow death. Excluding Enoch, of course. I would also like to extend that offer to Nathanial Malick.
If this summary seems a bit disjointed, it's because it is. Probably should have been formatted like last week's.
Marvel logo. Scene dissolves into the Chronocom White Room we've seen Fitz and Simmons in.
Luke: You wish to overwhelm them.
Sibyl: I do.
Aaaaand they did.
And a boring title card this week:
The base goes into lock down, and missiles are fired at the Zephyr. Need to point out that really nice VFX shot of the Zephyr laying flairs...
Nathanial wants to get Daisy's and (mistakenly) Sousa's powers. Daisy for her telekinesis, Sousa for his slow aging.
Nathanial Malick: Take a look at Ron's suit. Guy's here 'cause he's got mouths to feed, not 'cause he worships a space octopus. No. Religion's not really my thing.
Well Nate, as good as that "space octopus" joke was, you still gotta die. Yikes. It's turning out Gideon is almost the good guy of the family. And he's a dick!
May: There's something wrong with that agent.
Coulson: I know. You'd think someone named Stoner would be a little more fun...
I agree with Phil. But he becomes more fun later. Like when he's going down to the computer room, see's his lock down announcement projection on the wall:
Stoner: Computers. My own face is aiding the damn enemy today. Turn it off.
Agent King (a Chronicom): We'll remove your face ASAP, sir.
Stoner: Don't get wise, Agent King. (Agent King sorta smirks.)
I love dialog like this...
We should probably mention this...
Coulson: I died, and I came back.
May [scoffs]: Yeah.
Coulson: I didn't ask for that. But here we are. And, okay, you don't feel. But you won't even tell me what you think.
May: You want to know what I think?
Coulson: Yeah.
May: You never die. You always come back. You know how many times I've mourned for you? I'm not doing it again. And I'm certainly not doing it for a decoy with a simulated personality!
Coulson: Thank you! There she is. Don't look now, but your emotions are coming back. Unless you just picked that up from watching me.... They're mimicking me. Adapting.
May: Are we done sharing now?
Coulson, the real Coulson is going to come back, if only for May. Calling it now...
Sousa, is a Fitzing hero. He and Daisy belong together. Make it happen. (I am still not abandoning my prediction Sousa could be an inhuman...) Sousa should be the next director of
SHIELD SWORD. He is a definite leader type, like Coulson, Fury, Rogers and Stark. He may only have knowledge to 1931, but he seems to adapt well to any situation, and he's a quick learner. Interesting that the Chronicoms don't have him on their radar as a threat. Have to file that one away...
The part where he literally carries Daisy to safety without his cane embodies the character. The writers already did the unforgivable by killing off Davis, if they do Sousa, I'll be pissed.
Daisy couldn't control her power when she first got it. Nathaniel has the same problem. He's breaking his own bones, just like we remember Daisy doing. Still, Sousa should have... hastened Nate's overdue date with destiny... So to speak...
Uh, we probably have to talk about Diana, like what the hell is Diana? It's an implant Jemma created to suppress the memory of where Fitz is? "She's adorable and we're inseparable. Literally."
Hmmm... We got a little bit closer to getting an answer, but still got no satisfaction. Nor Fitz for that matter.
However, watching Jemma force Deke to apologize for his transgression against Enoch was genius.
Coulson: The fact is, dying is kind my superpower.
He leaves a final message for May... And blows the charges that were meant to flood the lighthouse. So the Chronicom's time ship full of hunters was a lower level of the lighthouse and was blown up by Coulson... with Coulson still in it. Did we lose Phil again?
And Stoner kills Luke. And offers to buy May a "beverage of her choice"... May suggests closing the base and blaming a "Hydrogen Wave Crisis", lol.
When asked about Coulson, May replies, "He's gone."
Yo-Yo: Was he in that explosion? Is he dead?
May: He'll come back. Always does.
Sorry May, don't believe a word about not mourning Coulson. Damn. I found this heartbreaking.
Ah, Mack, they've already done this once with your character and your daughter, now it's your parents. But think about it. They took your parents a while ago, but you don't remember it. This isn't your timeline.
Considering how unguarded Mack's parents were, even though the Chronicoms knew Mack was around, made me suspicious...
But doing the Back to the Future thing and suggesting the parents get their kid an ATV, right before he finds out they're not his parents, wasn't unexpected, but it was... sad.
In the Zephyr, Jemma is working on Daisy is in the medical chamber, and Sousa is looking on with concern.
Deke: We're about to jump.
Jemma (to Sousa): Last chance if you...
Sousa, shakes his head, looking at Daisy: I'm where I need to be.
Welcome to the Team, Daniel. Long may you live.
Epilogue: Deke is walking outside, trying to find Mack. Jemma calls to Deke on the radio, saying there's a problem and they're about to jump, and they do, leaving Mack and Deke... whenever.
Wow. Lot's of story advancement just before mid-season, a perfect time for that episode to describe what happened from when Enoch saved FitzSimmons in the Lighthouse to May's death in Izel's pyramid.
Never did find out what was in the picture Freddie Malick had, nor the consequences of Deke killing him. Well, not yet, anyway.
Did Coulson successfully blow up the Chronicom's time ship? Does this limit their ability to travel through time? If it does, Is that why the Z1 jumped at the end of the show? And just like that, bad guys like Luke are gone?
If I had any idea where this season was going, well, I don't anymore... But, when you hit rock bottom, the only way you can go is up.
I'm gonna miss this show when it's gone. sniff...